Author: Project Manager

The University of Groningen organised the final conference of the STEAM4ALL project, entitled “The Role of STEM Education in a Changing World,” on 20 February in Groningen, Netherlands.

The event included a plenary discussion on opportunities and challenges in STEM/STEAM, followed by parallel workshops on various thematic areas (e.g., Education for Sustainable Development, the use of technology in STEAM lessons, active learning).

The STEAM4ALL partners delivered an insightful workshop on the methodology of the project; the Engineering Thinking process showcasing the open educational resources developed.

Researchers and academics in Science, STEAM trainers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and the consortium of partners were among the 60 participants attending the conference. 

With the STEAM4LL initiative coming to an end, the final conference served as the project’s last activity.

Co-funded by the European union

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[Project Number: 2021-2-NL01-KA220-SCH-000048920]

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