Author: wpadmin

STEAM4ALL Transnational Training Course

Educators and experts from 6 partner organizations participated at the Doukas School in Athens, Greece, from October 2 to October 4, 2023, for the first transnational training course under the Erasmus+ project, STEAM4ALL. This event marked a significant step toward promoting inclusive Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) education across Europe.

Participants learned about the project’s aims, key objectives, expected results, and its anticipated impact on education. The day also featured teachers’ experiences from previous projects focusing on inclusion, providing valuable insights and lessons learned.

Prof. Eugenia Koleza, from the University of Patras, delivered a keynote speech, setting the theoretical framework for the STEAM4ALL initiative. Participants engaged in discussions about designing and implementing STEAM projects, delving into the state of the art, design activities, approaches, integration strategies, and real-world examples.

One of the highlights of the training was the introduction to STEAM4ALL’s toolkit for students. Educators explored learning plans, workshops, thematic days, and practical inclusive activities. Additionally, they were introduced to the project’s eLearning platform and participated in pilot testing, sharing valuable feedback.

The main part of the training was the presentation of the 4 modules:

  • Climate Change
  • Energy Transformation
  • Robotics & Robotics Land
  • Sustainable Development

Participants dove into hands-on activities across these modules allowing them to experience firsthand how to integrate STEAM principles into their teaching practices.

Parallel sessions saw participants grouped into four teams, each exploring and utilizing the STEAM4ALL eLearning platform. These hands-on experiences empowered educators with the tools needed to create engaging, inclusive STEAM lessons.

With focus on STEAM4ALL’s Guide for Educators, participants investigated into resources, reports, practices, activities, methodologies, and pedagogies aimed at promoting inclusivity in STEAM education.

A group workshop followed, where participants collaboratively designed STEAM inclusive activities, drawing inspiration from the wealth of resources provided by STEAM4ALL. Each group presented their projects, fostering a spirit of collaboration and knowledge sharing among participants.

As the training course concluded, attendees discussed plans for disseminating the knowledge gained during the event and shared their feedback. The event ended with a closing ceremony, featuring remarks from the training organizers and participants.

Participants left Athens with enhanced knowledge, a wealth of resources, and a strong network of colleagues dedicated to creating a more inclusive future in STEAM education. This training is a significant step toward fulfilling the project’s vision of providing accessible and engaging STEAM education for all students.

For more information about the project, you can visit the project’s Facebook page here.

The Pilot Phase of STEAM4ALL project at Doukas School

In a technology course for 7th grade students, two lesson plans were designed to cover energy transformation topics including fossil fuels, alternative and renewable energy, and transfer, transform and conserve of energy on earth and in space. The course also included a workshop where students could design and construct energy transformers using low-cost materials, as well as an energy conversion game.

The pilot phase of the project was implemented from 5th of December to 31st of March with the help of three teachers, and 135 students participated in the activities. The lesson plans involved discussions, videos, simulations, experiments, and games, and the workshop used the Engineering Design Process to guide students in their construction. The learning methodology included simulation, gaming, and construction.

The Pilot Phase of STEAM4ALL project at Doukas School

The STEAM4ALL project’s testing and validation phase was successful, with teachers finding the theoretical framework and lesson plans to be useful for primary and secondary-level students. Students engaged in the activities with enthusiasm, with most gaining a deeper understanding of energy and its various forms. The energy conversion game was particularly popular, with students enjoying it and indicating that they would play it again.

Teachers observed high levels of student engagement and participation in the activities, regardless of academic performance or background. Overall, the program was successful in providing an enjoyable and enriching learning experience. There were no particular difficulties encountered during the process, with teachers finding that everything went smoothly based on the design of the activities. The students’ constructions will be presented at a future event, and these activities will be added to the technology curriculum from the next year.

The Pilot Phase of STEAM4ALL project at Doukas School

The Pilot Phase of STEAM4ALL project at Doukas School


Co-funded by the European union

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
[Project Number: 2021-2-NL01-KA220-SCH-000048920]

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